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Shanghai is a global city, a worldwide financial center attracting attention of numerous entrepreneurs and tourists to visit and seek for better options. In such a high-speed city-state it`s so important to timely catch up the opportunity you came for and, especially, if you find a communication with local people is complicated enough to carry on by yourself, you`ll definitely need a good translator accompanying you.

Our mission is to help you realize your goals in Shanghai and nearby cities!

We offer a full range of services, beginning from suppliers research, translator's service, goods purchase up to cargo delivery to your warehouse, including customs clearance as well.

We help you organize your trip whether it's a business or a touristic one. Send us the hotel booking or the tickets reservation inquiry, inform us of your plans concerning the future visiting and we`ll make up an optimal schedule for you, so it helps you save time and considerably simplify the whole process.

Our company it`s a team of Russian specialists professionally speaking Chinese, knowing well how to interact with people and find an approach to chinese whether they are colleagues or cooperative partners. Most of our team members are in China for a certain period of time, so got a good chance to study the local life and mentality on practice. Its knowledge can help you make a right decision whatever headache you`ve got while traveling in China. Sufficient knowledge and proper behavior is a key point that helps you to have the negotiations successful.

Working with Russian translator gives you many benefits. Firstly, the Russian translator can quickly understand your needs, so you won't need to waste time explaining the whole situation in details. Secondly, the translator would play on your side and certainly support you as much as he can while going through a settlement around a conference table. Only the translator who speaks the same language as you do can fully get your point and share your position, so it`d obviously affect the further result.

Just imagine the situation when you`ve got the overseas visitors who want you to get a huge discount from your fellows, how would you feel at that time?...You will definitely need to have compatriots who are able to give you professional assistance in this country.


On our web-site you`ll find a lot of different information useful enough to your business as same as if you go to Shanghai for vacation.


If you`ve got any comments or suggestions regarding the web-site`s content, please feel free to contact us at anytime!









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